When I was first placed in my classroom, I noticed that there wasn't very much to be seen as far as technological resources; no smart board, no computers...not even for the teacher (she has to bring her own to do things like take roll and place class book orders). They do, though, have a TV with built-in DVD player, a CD player, and a portable microphone that the teacher uses to be more easily heard. It was news to me that the school even had a computer lab! During the week or so that I've been working with this class, they have gone to the library twice, to PE twice, and to art once...apparently the time during the year that has been allotted for art is also shared by the computer lab, so the children aren't getting as much experience with technology as they otherwise could. However, they are still very young (1st graders), and I think the older grades get to work more time into their schedules to work in the computer labs and complete assignments there.
I did complete the midcourse evaluation and informed consent surveys. =)
Final Posting
15 years ago